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KYNNING Á SIÐRÆÐNUM HÚMANISMA Í REGNBOGASAL 25.08.2006 Undanfarin mánudagskvöld hefur verið efnt til dagskrár í Regnbogasal Samtakanna ’78 um trú og lífsskoðanir. Mánudaginn 28. ágúst kynnir Sigurður Hólm Gunnarsson, varaformað...
Every religion has a mythology
Every religion has a mythology 16.08.2006 International Atheist Conference in Reykjavik Iceland June 24 & 25, 2006 Brannon Braga’s speech: Every religion has a mythology. Christianity: the Bible. Islam: the Kor...
I Just Lost Faith In Faith
I Just Lost Faith In Faith 15.08.2006 Dan Barker told his story without any written notes at our conference. This article gives the same information but not in exactly the same way as his talk now 22 years later. Thi...
Speeches from the international atheist conference 2006
Speeches from the international atheist conference 2006 13.08.2006 Here you can find most of the speeches and Power Point presentations from the international conference „A Positive Voice for Atheism in Iceland“ which was held in Rey...
The status of religion and religious life in Iceland today
The status of religion and religious life in Iceland today 13.08.2006 International Atheist Conference in Reykjavik Iceland June 24 & 25, 2006 Sigurdur Holm Gunnarsson’s speech: Dear conference participants I can’t help but start my prese...
Atheist Alliance International
Atheist Alliance International 13.08.2006 International Atheist Conference in Reykjavik Iceland June 24 & 25, 2006 August Berkshire’s speech: Thank you. It’s great to be back in Iceland – this is my third time ...
Welcome speech, First International Convention of the Atheist Alliance International
Welcome speech, First International Convention of the Atheist Alliance International 13.08.2006 International Atheist Conference in Reykjavik Iceland June 24 & 25, 2006 Bobbie Kirkhart’s speech: Bobbie Kirkhart In the beginning when God created the heavens and the...
Missionaries or Museum-Keepers?
Missionaries or Museum-Keepers? 13.08.2006 International Atheist Conference in Reykjavik Iceland June 24 & 25, 2006 Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson’s speech: During my happy student days at Edinburgh University in the ...
Ráðstefna um trúleysi á Íslandi: Síðasti séns
Ráðstefna um trúleysi á Íslandi: Síðasti séns 15.06.2006 Eftir rúma viku (24. og 25. júní) verður haldin ákaflega vegleg trúleysisráðstefna á Kaffi Reykjavík. Það er óvíst hvort aftur gefist tækifæri til að hlusta á jafn marga og góða ...
Ræða Andra Snæs Magnasonar á BF 2006
Ræða Andra Snæs Magnasonar á BF 2006 04.06.2006 Andri Snær Magnason, rithöfundur talaði að mestu leiti blaðalaust en helstu punktarnir í ræðu hans voru eftirfarandi: Hvað skal segja við hóp af fermingarbörnum? Einn sá sem ég h...
Activity Report from Siðmennt,The Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association for IHEU April 2006
Activity Report from Siðmennt,The Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association for IHEU April 2006 02.06.2006 Two main themes characterized the work of Siðmennt over the past year. 1) An incredible amount of activity on a large number of projects. 2) Ever-increasing bonding among the boa...
Siðrænn húmanismi og skynsemisstefna
Siðrænn húmanismi og skynsemisstefna 20.05.2006 Siðrænn húmanismi og skynsemisstefna (rationalismi): Yfirlýsing um gildismat mitt í lífinu, maí 2006. (Byggt að hluta til á yfirlýsingu Paul Kurtz[1]). Undirstrikun hér er gerð í...