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Heimsþing húmanista árið 2011

Heimsþing húmanista árið 2011 verður haldið í Osló í dagana 12.-14. ágúst 2011. Hér á eftir kemur tilkynningin frá IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union) á ensku. Það má fylgjast með þinginu sem haldið verður af IHEU á Twitter, YouTube, FaceBook og að sjálfsögðu á heimasíðu samtakanna.

Lesið meira um þingið eða skráið ykkur á það með því að heimsækja: www.human.no/oslo2011.

2011 World Humanist Congress on 12-14 August in Oslo, Norway

IHEU and the Norwegian Humanist Organization are proud to welcome Humanists from all over the world to the Norwegian capital.

The main theme of the congress is Humanism and Peace. Peace is one of the fundamental criteria for the long term survival of the human species and should be a concern of all Humanists. The sessions of the congress will include several different aspects of peace and conflict prevention, and question what Humanists and Humanism can do to foster peace.

Some of the speakers:

  • Humanist Chaplain Greg M. Epstein
  • Author Taslima Nasrin
  • Pharyngula blogger PZ Myers
  • MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld
  • Freedom of religion specialist Jeremy Gunn,
  • Peace professor Johan Galtung
  • Journalist Linda Polman

There will be several side-events before and after the Congress, including the General Assemblies of IHEU and IHEYO, the IHEU Leadership training and an International Youth Camp. See the program for full details.

Early-bird registration for delegates are NOK 2,600 per person, and includes access to all plenary and parallel sessions during the Congress, as well as lunches, coffee breaks, the City reception and the Congress Dinner. Student registration is NOK 1,200 for the same package. There are additional fees for the side events.

The IHEU will offer a substantial Travel Grant programme.

The organizers hope that many Humanists and other non-believers will come to Oslo in August, and prepares for 600-800 participants at the Congress.

For more information and registration, please visit www.human.no/oslo2011.

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